Hästö Busö lounaispuoli
The location is in the archipelago off the coast of Raasepori, approximately three kilometers southwest of Hästö Busö island.
The Finnish Heritage Agency has made a decision on December 13, 2022, to designate a protected area for the wreck under the Antiquities Act. The protected area is circular with a diameter of 800 meters. Diving and anchoring within the area are not allowed without permission from the Finnish Heritage Agency. Permits may be granted for scientific research, conservation, and monitoring activities. Fishing with gear that could damage the wreck and any water construction activities are prohibited within the area.
The wreck is that of a wooden-hulled ship with an even seam construction, measuring approximately 27 meters in length and 8 meters in width. The hull has retained the shape of the vessel. The ship had two masts. Deck planks have come loose and shifted from their original positions, and the stern transom planks have fallen to the seabed. On the deck level, visible remains include a capstan log used for raising anchors, one of the wreck's five anchors, remnants of a ship's stove, a cargo hold hatch, and the pipes of a broken aft mast near the ship's pump. The bowsprit has fallen to the seabed and rests against the bow. In the bow section of the wreck, there are six small-sized cannons, some of which have fallen with their carriages. The stern features a rudder blade used for steering the ship in place of a steering wheel. The bow has opened up due to the detachment of the bow planking. The wreck's cargo included pottery, dated to the late 1700s to early 1800s. The origin of the pottery is possibly England. The wreck also contains remains of wooden crates, possibly containing unidentified cargo.